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Directions for using Shampoo Hood:

Place the center of the Shampoo Hood at the nape of the neck.

Bring the right side up over the right ear and hold at the forehead.

With the right hand, then bring the left side up over the left ear and attach the Velcro over the right side.

Depending on the shape of the persons head you may get some water leakage

We have found that wrapping a folded towel around the head from back to front helps tremendously! Hold it with one hand and shampoo with the other! This technique will aid with larger or differently shaped heads.

We at shampoohoods.com are sure these hoods will bring you and your clients much greater comfort and ease when shampooing!


Use any watersource to apply water to hair The Shampoo Hood diverts the water/ rinse through the funnel and away from the face Water can then be diverted into any basin or sink


Please contact us by Email if you have more questions.

All images and descriptions are the property of Shampoohoods.com. All rights reserved. All Products Made in the U.S.A.